The 21st century has witnessed a massive internet revolution, in fact, the revolution is so big that a lot of broadband internet providing companies have been born. What is separating these companies right now is the quality of customer support and care that each company provides. Plusnet has taken up the challenge and pledged to provide the best customer service ever.
Plusnet is one of the biggest broadband providers in the United Kingdom, supplying the internet, landline, and digital television services to over 1 million homes. For two years in a row now Plusnet has won Best Customer Service at the uSwitch Broadband Awards.Customers have expressed satisfaction with the services provided, among them the Plusnet member center and the Plusnet contact service.
Plusnet member centre
Go to Plusnet Member Centre
This is a platform for Plusnet subscribers to sign in using the login credentials provided upon registration. On this portal, customers can manage in detail the day to day running of their accounts. This includes access to real-time phone and internet bill, internet data management, and digital television subscription management.
Customers can take care of their phone bills, internet bills, and tv bills right there on the secure platform that is protected by Mcafee. The beautiful part is that accounts can be settled anytime without the need to wait for the bill due date.
Also on this platform, subscribers can apply content filters and customize it with passwords. For example, parents can make sure their underage children are protected from explicit content through the use of these customizable content filters made available by Plusnet.
The internet data cap function is another useful tool found on the Plusnet member centre. Never again will a client overuse data and exceed their bill budget. This data cap can, however, be modified anytime through the Plusnet member center.
Plusnet customer service
With an award for best broadband customer services already in the bag, Plusnet continues to shine with their excellent customer care. On their website, they have a user-friendly help and support function. What this function does is narrow down customer complaints by using a smart algorithm. Customers will select a subject that concerns their complaint and after a few series of clicks they will be presented will an automated solution. If this does not work then the customer can proceed to Plusnet contact, where a customer services agent will take over.
Go to Plusnet Customer Service
Plusnet contact
Here Plusnet broadband users have many options to choose from. Communication is the most valued service at Plusnet, as such their contact methods are excellent. Firstly the client can use the Ask the Community function, this allows them to directly communicate with the rest of the companies subscribers. Chances are, whatever problem they have, someone probably has already experienced it before and found a solution, hence it makes it possible to get a speedy response and solution to the client’s problem.
Next, Plusnet contact has made available a live chat window found on every other page of the Plusnet web. To access this chat, one can just click on the live chat icon and fill in the verification information then a customer care agent will be made available to respond to any queries the client might have.
Sometimes folks prefer the traditional means of communication, Plusnet contact has maintained use of helpline email and toll-free numbers.
Potential customers who want registration details can also use the Plusnet contact service and be attended to the same way subscribing clients are.